My munchkin is six months old now. He’s transitioned from infant to baby. This three day weekend we are taking the next step in growing up. Going to bed by himself.
We started last night. We have a routine that we’ve started. At bedtime we go upstairs, we get in pj’s, and while his has a last little bottle we sing a specific series of songs. Then, while he’s still awake, we put him down in the bed and say good night.
Last night he cried. After five minutes, we checked on him reassured him I was still here. Five minutes later I went in again. This time after patting his back and assuring him I was still here and he was okay, I started playing his heffalump (a stuffed blue elephant) and left the room. In less than a minute he was asleep.
Tonight, I started Heffelump immediately upon putting him down and he didn’t cry at all.
I can’t believe this will go this smoothly from now on. I’m sure he has a few more cranky crying bedtimes in store for us, but I can’t believe I forgot about his heffelump that first night.

Someone recently suggested buying another heffelump and changing them in and out so that if one is damaged and has to be thrown out, there is still a heffelump. That just seems so wrong. Like having a spare SO that you change in and out incase something happens to the original.

I've also been giving some thought to podcasting. Wondering if it might be a good idea to offer some of my work as audio books through podcasts. I'm looking into the idea.
I'm glad you're thinking about podcasting. It's a lot of fun. I've been experimenting with some audio poetry for now, working my way up to doing a short story first, and then a novella I recently finished that needs a spit and polish. After I finish the big move and have more time in a quieter atmosphere, I am going to do the short story.
I think you really should consider podcasting your stuff, especially if you own the audio rights. It's a great way to get your published work out there and establish a name for yourself.
Good luck.
K and S always fell asleep with a bear which played Jesus Loves Me. And K was also soothed by the sounds of Amazing Grace. We still tease him about that, when in church and it is one of the hymns:)
Looking forward to seeing you at RomantiCon! Bring your copy of Dancer's Delight so I can sign it!
Re: music for the kid--I used to sing to mine. They didn't care what the song was as long as I was singing!
Smart move on the heffelump!
Enjoy Romanticon.
I didn't know EC had their own convention. This is going on my convention wish list. Great blog!
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