The little news was a nice review for Circle of Wolves. Thanks to Debra Gaynor for ReviewYourBook.com who gave Circle of Wolves 4 stars.
“Jacqueline Roth takes readers deep into the world of magic as she shares theculture of werewolves. What makes this book stand out above other books inthis genre is the depth of the werewolf culture. Roth has created her ownworld and history and allowed us to peek inside.”
The big news:

Z was baptized today. We went to 8:30 am mass and Z was good as gold. The baptism after mass was not so angelic an experience. Z was less than thrilled at the experience and managed to scream his way through the entire ceremony.

Prior to the baptism he was sitting, talking and happy. The minute the ceremony started he became upset. He was so upset the deacon did an "abbreviated" version. I'm not even sure what the readings were because he was crying so loud.
He didn't stop until it was over. The octopus was made for him by a friend of ours. I love the little white hat that came with the suit.

A goth hoodie. How cool.
Also congrats on the great review. Well deserved.
Congrats on the review:)
And Z looks soooooo cute!
Ahhhh. Congrats to Z and family. And congrats on the excellent review!
Yeah, you can kinda see it. If you squint and lighten the picture. HE'S SO CUTE! I can't believe Pip was so awesome as to knit a Goth hoodie. What an awesome idea. I love it.
Congrats on the review and no matter how loud he wails, that boy is beautiful. A testiment to you and your SO.
Thanks all. He's wonderful. We survived a 14 hour car trip and he's doing pretty well. The last hour was hell.
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