Thursday, August 14, 2008

Apologies and First Days

It has been a long time since I've been able to update here and I apologize.

School started with a huge bang. Our roof is still under construction (the school's), there is the usual confusion about schedules, lockers, procedures, what are you teaching, after school meetings, nervous parents and so forth to wade through and I've been walking in the door and crawling into bed exhausted since day one.

A bit of good review news however, Romance Junkies has reviewed Lovers' Stone and given it a 4.5. Needless to say I'm thrilled. They said:

"Ms. Edwards writes a passion filled story. LOVERS’ STONE is one delectable read that will warm you through and through. Thank God for air conditioning because my imagination is working overtime this afternoon. I loved unraveling this story and discovering more about Luke and Anna. Passion seems to flare between them like electricity arcing toward the sky. "

On the heels of this, comes the wonderful review by Reader Views by Paige Lovitt. Thanks so much Paige:

"Elyssa Edwards, the author, really did a great job developing such a complex story in a short novella. She also introduces werebears which are a unique brand of weres. It was refreshing to be able to read about something new. The two main characters have a lot to overcome, but as you read, you learn that together they are stronger than apart. “Lover’s Stone” is definitely an interesting, unique story."

Sorry to be wanting in the witty thoughts department today. I'm fairly certain there isn't enough coffee or Diet Coke to make me feel perky, especially facing a lock down drill and another after school faculty meeting before my 2 hour commute. *groan* I'd suggest checking out Anny Cook, Amarinda Jones, Kelly Kirch and Sandra Cox. They've always got something good goin' on.


Phoenix said...

Hugs honey! Hang in there, you're almost settled... again.

Anny Cook said...

Congratulations on your reviews! Excellent!

Molly Daniels said...

Yay on the reviews! Two more weeks till I order Mating Stone.

Seriously...a two hour commute? Wow...that's dedication. My hubby has a two-hour commute too, but he stays in town all week and comes home on the weekends. Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

School sounds pukeable...but that was an excellent review

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats on the great reviews! Hope you got rested this weekend. Hugs.

Bronwyn Green said...

Congrats on the wonderful reviews...but really? A. Two. Hour. Commute? You are one dedicated teacher - and thank goodness! The world doesn't have nearly enough!

Sandra Cox said...

Just stopped by to say, hey:)

Sandra Cox said...

Get to some rest, pal. Its the weekend:)

Molly Daniels said...

Am ordering Mating Stone tomorrow:) Hugs...I hope everything is well with you!

Sandra Cox said...

Just stopping by to say, hey Missy:)